HEAVY METAL L. GAIM - odyssey 2 - K25G-7229

HORI, KINYA - kaze ni nare! - SCS-559

HORIE, MITSUKO - bokura kyodai tentoumushi - SCS-238

KYUKYOKU CHOZIN R - kyukyoku chozin r - K-12530

L GAIM - bgm collection vol.3 - K25G-7223

MIZUMORI, ADO - dr. slump arale chan - CK-602

NOVELA - harmagedon story - original album - K25G-7134

ORGUSS - original sound track - ANL-1009

OSUGI, KUMIKO - rock river e - SCS-334

SASAKI, ISAO - tobe! glendizer - SCS-270

SHIMON, MASATO - brave raideen; ore wa akira da - SCS-249

SOUTHERN CROSS - shower cologne - ANL-1029

SPOON OBASAN - ongakusyu - JBX-25022

BALIN, MARTY - balin - SO-17054

CALDWELL, BOBBY - bobby caldwell - 25AP1354

CALDWELL, BOBBY - carry on - 20MM9037

CHRISTIAN, CHRIS - chris christian - NB1-33240

DUKE, ROBY - not the same - MCA-5259

HAMMOND, ALBERT - your world and my world - 25AP2025

LEE, LARRY - marooned - FC37692

O'BANION, JOHN - john o'banion - 6E-342

PAGES - pages - ST-12123

SCAGGS, BOZ - down two then left - 25AP800

SCAGGS, BOZ - silk degrees - 25AP3

VANNELLI, GINO - nightwalker - AL9539

RENO, DON, AND RED SMILEY - wanted - VIP-5069(M)

BUCHANAN, ROY - very best of roy buchanan - MPF1165

V/A - the greatest bossa nova beat - MV2014

BEATLES, THE - 1967-1970 - EAP-9034B

BEATLES, THE - beatles no.5 - OR7103

BEATLES, THE - help! - OP-7387

BEATLES, THE - rubber soul - OP-7450

ROLLING STONES, THE - the rolling stones - vol.1 - LS125

VAUCAIRE, CORA - chanson bset collection 1500 - EOS-40062

ASHKENAZY, VLADIMIR - chopin; piano sonata no.3 in b minor - SLA1153

ASHKENAZY, VLADIMIR - mozart; piano concerto nos.8 & 9 / rondo in a major - SLA6249

BARYLLI, WALTER / PAUL BADURA-SKODA - mozart; violin sonata no.24, no.28, no.25 - IWB-60018

BERNSTEIN, LEONARD - mahler; das lied von der erde - SLC8019

BLEGEN, JUDITH / GERARD SCHWARZ - scarlatti/handel; baroque aires for soprano and trumpet - M34518

BOHM, KARL - mozart; symphon yno.38 in d major the prague - MR5078

ETIENNE, FRANCOIS - mozart; clarinet concerto in a major / clarinet quintet in a major - GR-70098

GLORIEUX, FRANCOIS - plays the beatles vol.2 - VIC-2108

HAEBLER, INGRID / HENRYK SZERYNG - mozart; sonatas for piano and violin k.296, k.304, k.526 - SFX-8531

HOROWITZ, VLADIMIR - beethoven; moonlight, appassionate, pathetique - 23AC584

KARAJAN, HERBERT VON - beethoven; symphonie nr.6 pastorale - MG4005

KARAJAN, HERBERT VON - beethoven; symphonien nr.1 & nr.2 - MG1122

KARAJAN, HERBERT VON - beethoven; symphony no.3 in e flat major eroica - MG2019

KARAJAN, HERBERT VON - beethoven; symphony no.5 - MG2001

KARAJAN, HERBERT VON - tchaikovsky; piano concerto and orchestra no.1 in b- flat minor, op.23 - MG-2061

KARAJAN, HERBERT VON - tchaikovsky; serenade for strings in c major,op.48 - MG-2031

KARAJAN, HERBERT VON - tchaikovsky; the 3 great ballet suites - SLA1013

KEMPE, RUDOLF - dvorak; from the new world - AA.5002

KERTESZ, ISTVAN - dvorak; symphony no.9 from the new world - SLC8015

KLETZKI, PAUL - suppe; overture pique dame - EW-89

KREISLER, FRITZ - beethoven; violin concerto in d major, op.61 - OC-7200-RC

MEHTA, ZUBIN - r.strauss; also sprach zarathustra - SLC8020

MONTEUX, CLAUDE - mozart; flute concerto in d major - SDD427

OKAMURA, TAKAO, AND GIORGIO FAVARETTO - arie antiche iitaliane - SKR1023

OZAWA, SEIJI - mahler; symphony no.1 - MG1106

PERLMAN, ITZHAK - paganini; 24 caprices - EAA-160

PREVIN, ANDRE - shostakovitch; symphony no.5 - EAC-80405

ROSTROPOVICH, MSTISLAV - tchaikovsky; symphony no.1 winter dreams - EAC-80475

SCHURICHT, CARL - bach; les six concerts brandebourgeois - SMS2378

SCHURICHT, CARL - schubert; symphony no.8 unfinished - SL1009

SOLTI, GEORG - r.strauss; ein heldenleben, op.40 - SLA1224

THIBAUD, JACQUES - mozart; concerto no.6 in e-flat major, kv.268 for violin and orchestra - OS-7099-RC

TOMITA, ISAO - the bermuda triangle - RVC-2222

TRIO PASQUIER, LE - mozart; divertimento en mi bemol majeur pour trio a cordes - ERA-1060

WALTER, BRUNO - mozart; symphonies nos.40 & 41 jupiter - SOCF110

TAMORI - 3/sengo nihonkayoushi - TAMORI-3

ALLEN, RED - red allen - RC-104

ATKINS, CHET - stringin' along with - RMP-5042(S)

ATKINS, CHET - super pickers - RMP-5046(S)

CAMPBELL, GLEN - live in japan - ECS-80288

CASH, JOHNNY - silver - 25AP1645

PRICE,RAY - master of the art - 923782-1

RENO, DON, AND RED SMILEY - good old country ballads - VIP-5070(M)

SNOW, HANK - hank snow's country guitar - RMP-5039

TUBB, ERNEST, AND HIS TEXAS TROUBADOURS - midnight jamboree - MCL-1061

WILLS, BOB, AND TOMMY DUNCAN - mr. words & mr. music - GXC2003

LOS ANTONIOS - another cha cha - MA-194-V

SUMMER, DONNA - she works hard for the money - 7S-91

WEATHER GIRLS, THE - it's raining men - 07SP686

GALUTERIA, BRICKWJAZOOD - brickwood ...style - BL248

TAYLOR, SAM - mood in golden hit numbers ii - SK-402

WILLIAMS, JOHN, AND ATSUMASA NAKABAYASHI - world's favorite guitar pieces - FCCA-66

HITOFUSHI, TARO - roukyoku komoriuta - CW-9

JYONOUCHI, SANAE - ryuhyo no tegami - 07SH1846

KITAJIMA, SABURO - guitar jingi - SAS-66

MORI, SHINICHI - kanashimi no waltz - SV-1092

NIINUMA, KENJI - muramatsuri no maeni - AK-80

FOLK CRUSADERS, THE - encyclopedia folcru - CTP-9036

GROSSMAN, STEFAN - how to play ragtime guitar - IRS-80400

HASHIDA, NORIHIKO, AND THE SHOEBELTS - meet the shoebelts featuring norihiko hashida - ETP-8081

HO, DON, AND THE ALIIS - don ho's greatest hits - RS6357

RENBOURN, JOHN - another monday - IRS-80347

SIMON, PAUL - one-trick pony - P-10895W

TOMOBE, MASATO - ninjin - URL-1032

YAMAZAKI, HAKO - orie no uta - 7A0046

YOSHIDA, TAKURO - 1971 - 1975 - SOLJ115-116-OD

YOSHIDA, TAKURO - hello i'm takuro yoshida - SOLJ-30-OD

BENSON, GEORGE - the collection - P-5599-600W

HANCOCK, HERBBIE - magic windows - 25AP2106

HEADHUNTERS, THE - survival of the fittest - BLPO-11-AR

HEADHUNTERS, THE - survival of the fittest - IES-80625

TAKANAKA, MASAYOSHI - super live - MKF1058

KASE, KUNIHIKO, AND THE WILD ONES - on the beach - DSF-8007

TERAUCHI, TAKESHI - golden star best album - AAA9

BECK, BOGERT AND APPICE - beck, bogert & appice - 25.3P-54

DEEP PURPLE - fireball - P-6506W

HEART - barracuda - 06SP168

QUEEN - a day at the races - 6E-101

AHIA, PETER - peter sings - GK105

BEAMER, MAHI - hawaii's mahi beamer - ECS-40152

KAAPANA FAMILY - portrait of the kaapanas - SP79033

KEALIIWAHAMANA, NINA, AND CHARLES K.L. DAVIS - remember i gave my aloha and other songs by r.alex anderson - SL7037

KENNEY, ED - an island - SL7031

KENNEY, ED - somewhere in hawaii / ed kenney sings - WAIKIKI326

KU, TONY - original hawaiian steel guitar - FW8714

MAILE SERENADERS, THE - let's hula - H-500

PAOA, GEORGE - maui boy - SL2066

SPENCER, ELAINE AKO - mele hali's aloha - SP9011

V/A - mele-hula volume 2 - NRS-103

V/A - stringing along with you / hawaiian style - LP108

CO-KEY - back 2 da future - GMD-F006

SUIKEN - the sense / isotope - ED-2001

TH EXPRESS - missing in the rain - 140153

ACTION - heart raiser - 28PL-96

ACTION - hot rox - 28PL-78

IGARASHI, HISAKATSU - puzzle - K28P502

ARMSTRONG, LOUIS, AND HIS ALL-STARS - new orleans nights - MCA-3033

BASIE, COUNT - basic basie - 23MJ3430

BASIE, COUNT - i told you so - MTF1049

BLAKEY, ART - a jazz message - IMJ-80006

BLEY, PAUL - paul bley / nhop - RJ-6008

BURRELL, KENNY, AND JOHN COLTRANE - kenny burrell & john coltrane - SMJ-6556(M)

BURTON, GARY, AND CHICK COREA - crystal silence - PA-7074


BYRD, CHARLIE - blues sonata - SMJ-6054

BYRD, CHARLIE - crystal silence - LFP-88136

CICERO, EUGEN - cicero in london - UXP-46-V

CICERO, EUGEN - cicero's chopin - YS-2307-MP

CICERO, EUGEN - cicero's chopin festival - UXP-2-V

CICERO, EUGEN - concerto - UXP-34-V

CICERO, EUGEN - my lyrics / eugen cicero in tokyo - YX-7510-ND

CICERO, EUGEN - rokoko-jazz - ULX-34-P

CICERO, EUGEN - romantic swing - ULX-35-P

CICERO, EUGEN - swinging classical - XS-139-MP

CICERO, EUGEN - the world of eugen cicero - GH-47-P

COLTRANE, JOHN - ascension - IMP-88119

COLTRANE, JOHN - bahia - SMJ-6563

COLTRANE, JOHN - black pearls - SMJ-6561

COLTRANE, JOHN - coltrane - IMP-88095

COLTRANE, JOHN - coltrane - SMJ-6547(M)

COLTRANE, JOHN - coltrane time - SR3147

COLTRANE, JOHN - crescent - IMP-88097

COLTRANE, JOHN - dakar - SMJ-6541(M)

COLTRANE, JOHN - dakar - LPJ-70020

COLTRANE, JOHN - standard coltrane - SMJ-6562

COLTRANE, JOHN - the coltrane legacy - P-6108A

COLTRANE, JOHN - the coltrane legacy - MT2034

COLTRANE, JOHN, AND JOHNNY HARTMAN - john coltrane and jimmy hartman - SR-3112

COLTRANE, JOHN, AND PAUL QUINICHETTE - cattin' with coltrane and quinichette - SMJ-6542(M)

COREA, CHICK - piano improvisations vol.2 - MP2292

COREA, CHICK - the leprechaun - MP2548

DAVIS, SAMMY, JR. - golden disc - VIM-10012

DAVIS, SAMMY, JR. - in person australia '77 - RVP-6259

DRAPER, RAY - the ray draper quintet featuring john coltrane - SMJ-6554(M)

EVANS, BILL - bill evans live in tokyo - SOPM40

EVANS, BILL - interplay - MW2009

EVANS, BILL - montreux ii - SR3309

EVANS, BILL - new jazz conceptions - SMJ-6073M

EVANS, BILL - since we met - SMJ-6133

EVANS, BILL - waltz for debby - SMJ-6118

EVANS, GIL - out of the cool - YP-8505-AI

EVANS, GIL - out of the cool - IMP-88065

EVANS, GIL - parabola - RVJ-9007-08

EVANS, GIL - there comes a time - RVP-6033

FARMER, ART - live at the half-note - P-4509A

FARMER, ART, AND BENNY GOLSON - here and now - BT-1304

GRYCE, GIGI - the hap'nin's - LPJ-70006

HADEN, CHARLIE - liberation music orchestra - IMJ-80037

HANCOCK, HERBIE - crossings - P-8251W

HANCOCK, HERBIE - herbie hancock trio with ron carter + tony williams - 25AP2190

HANCOCK, HERBIE - man-child - SOPO109

HANCOCK, HERBIE - mr. hands - 25AP1943

HANCOCK, HERBIE - mwandishi - P-8044W

HANCOCK, HERBIE - sunlight - 25AP1080

HANCOCK, HERBIE - the herbie hancock trio - 25AP650

HANCOCK, HERBIE - thrust - SOPN96/PC32965

HARDEN, WILBUR - jazz way out - WAJ-80145

HARRIS, BARRY - vicissitudes - UXP-13-P

HAWKINS, COLEMAN - hollywood stampede - ECJ-50071

HENDERSON, JOE - black is the color - SMJX-10150

HERMAN, WOODY - giant steps - LFP-88134

HERMAN, WOODY - thundering herd - LFP-88187

HERMAN, WOODY - woody herman at the monterey jazz festival - P-6008A

HILL, ANDREW - spiral - PA-7104

HOLMAN, BILL - the fabulous - MCA-3044

HOPE, ELMO - informal jazz the elmo hope sextet - LPJ-70033

HOPE, ELMO - informal jazz the elmo hope sextet - SMJ-6536(M)

HUBBARD, FREDDIE - backlash - P-6036A

HUBBARD, FREDDIE - black angel - P-6106A

HUBBARD, FREDDIE - the art of freddie hubbard / the atlantic years - P-5098-9A

HUBBARD, FREDDIE - the body & the soul - IMJ-80019

JONES, QUINCY - ai no corrida - AMP-716

JONES, QUINCY - body heat - GP-224

JONES, QUINCY - gula matari - AML333

JONES, QUINCY - the birth of a band - 195J-29

JONES, QUINCY - the birth of a band vol.2 - 195J-30

JONES, QUINCY - the great wide world of quincy jones - 195J-31

JONES, QUINCY - the great wide world of quincy jones live! - 195J-32

JONES, QUINCY - you've got it bad girl - AML-350

KELLY, WYNTON - kelly at midnite - JC-6

KELLY, WYNTON - kelly at midnite - UXP-70-JY

KELLY, WYNTON - kelly great - JC-1

KELLY, WYNTON - live at left bank jazz society 1968 - ULS-1870-2-JY

KONITZ, LEE - inside hi-fi - P-4507A

KONITZ, LEE - spirits - SMJX-10153

MANHATTAN TRANSFER, THE - down south camp meetin' - P-1684

MANN, HERBIE - do the bossa nova - P-6096A

MANN, HERBIE - herbie mann - sam most quintet - MP2351

MANN, HERBIE - hold on, i'm comin' - P-8335A

MANN, HERBIE - reggae - P-8484A

MANN, HERBIE - windows opened - P-6072A

MCLEAN, RUNE, SEXTET - watch out - RJ-7115

MILES, BARRY, AND SILVERLIGHT - barry miles and silverlight - GP186

MINGUS, CHARLES - mingus at carnegie hall - P-8549A

MINGUS, CHARLES - oh yeah - P-6016A

MINGUS, CHARLES - the clown - P-6078A

MODERN JAZZ QUARTET, THE - the modern jazz quartet - P-6002A

MONTGOMERY BROTHERS, THE - groove yard - MW2033

MONTGOMERY, WES - full house - SMJ-6069

MONTGOMERY, WES - full house - MW2032

MONTGOMERY, WES - max20 - MAX204

MONTGOMERY, WES - montgomeryland - LLJ-80062

MONTGOMERY, WES - wes' best - LFP-88047

MULLIGAN, GERRY - gerry mulligan with chet baker - LAX-3087M

PETERSON, OSCAR - keyboard - MV2666

SINATRA, FRANK - the best of frank sinatra - SN-16109

TAYLOR, SAM - nihon no sam taylor jinseigekijo / ruten - C-5009

V.S.O.P. THE QUINTET - tempest in the colosseum - 40AP771-2

V/A - five greatest drummers - SMAT-9004(1-2)

V/A - in concert volume two - GP-3005

V/A - modern jazz best collection - FCPA-207

V/A - tanganyika strut - SOPL-71-SY

VAUGHAN, SARAH - after hours at the london house - RJ-5012M

VAUGHAN, SARAH - encore! sarah - ULX-27-A

WATANABE, SADAO - fill up the night - P-13017

WATANABE, SADAO - orange express - 25AH1280

YASUKO LOVE-BIRD - sunglow - VIH-28043

ASAKA, YUI - hitomi ni storm - 7HB-33

ASAKA, YUI - niji no dreamer - 7HB-34

ASAKA, YUI - star - 7HB-31

CHANELS, THE - best - 28.3H-53

CHECKERS, THE - namida no request - 7A0346

HIKARU GENJI - hikaru genji - C28A0617

INAGAKI, JUNICHI - horns in the summer - ETP-17506

ITO, MAIKO - mienai tsubasa - 07SH1597

KAZAMA SANSHIMAI - remember - 7HB-35

KOIZUMI, KYOKO - good morning-call - SV-9322

KOIZUMI, KYOKO - harukaze no yuwaku - SV-7275

KOIZUMI, KYOKO - majo - SV-9040

KOIZUMI, KYOKO - mizu no rouge - SV-9218

KOIZUMI, KYOKO - nantettatte idol - SV-9073

MATSUMOTO, CHIEKO - best 24 - AY-6001-2

MATSUMOTO, IYO - only seventeen - SJX-30163

MATSUMOTO, IYO - sentimental journey - SV-7160

MATSUZAKI, SHIGERU - oretachi no asa - SV-6116

MINAMINO, YOKO - aki kara mo soba ni ite - 07SH3114

MINAMINO, YOKO - aki no indication - 07SH1983

MINAMINO, YOKO - anata wo aishitai - 07SH3078

MINAMINO, YOKO - approach - 07SH1825

MINAMINO, YOKO - film no mukougawa - CSKL3005

MINAMINO, YOKO - haikarasan ga toru - 07SH2025

MINAMINO, YOKO - hanashi kake takatta - 07SH1900

MINAMINO, YOKO - kanashimi monument - 07SH1743

MINAMINO, YOKO - namida wa doko e itta no - 07SH3162

MINAMINO, YOKO - pandora's lover - 07SH1955

MINAMINO, YOKO - pandra's lover - 08SH1954

MINAMINO, YOKO - rakuen no door - 07SH1865

MINAMINO, YOKO - sayonara no memai - 07SH1717

MINAMINO, YOKO - toiki de net - 07SH3011

MINAMINO, YOKO - too shy to say - 07SH1659

MINAMINO, YOUKO - kaze no madrigal - 07SH1802


MORITA, KOICHI, AND TOP GALLANTS - sugiteshimaeba - 06SH198

NAKAMURA, MASATOSHI - oretachi no matsuri - PK-80

OGINOME, YOKO - dance beat wa yoake made - SV-9135

OGINOME, YOKO - dancing hero - SV-9069

OGINOME, YOKO - dear cobalt no kanata he - SV-9362

OGINOME, YOKO - december memory - SV-7444

OGINOME, YOKO - flamingo in paradise - SV-9105

OGINOME, YOKO - from my garden - VIKL-30004

OGINOME, YOKO - i'm just a lady kokoro no mamani - SV-9043

OGINOME, YOKO - kitakaze no carol - SV-9279

OGINOME, YOKO - koishite caribbean - SV-9020

OGINOME, YOKO - look up to the sky - VIKL-10003

OGINOME, YOKO - sayonara kara hajimaru monogatari - SV-7406

OGINOME, YOKO - sayonara no kajitsutachi - SV-9246

OGINOME, YOKO - shonan heartbreak - SV-9436

OGINOME, YOKO - stardust dream - SV-9337

OGINOME, YOKO - stranger tonight - SV-9311

OGINOME, YOKO - verge of love - SV-9400

OGINOME, YOKO - wangan taiyouzoku - SV-9216

OGINOME, YOKO - you're my life - SV-9446

OHASHI, JUNKO - full house - S-7086

SAIJO, HIDEKI - hideki recital - JRS-9229-30

SAIJO, HIDEKI - rock'n roll music - RVL-7036

SAWADA, KENJI - recital / julie v - MR9121/2

SUZUKI, YUDAI - friday night - ETP-90202

TOMITA, YASUKO - kanashiki chaser - AH-856

TOYOSHIMA, TAZUMI - tomadoi twilight - DR6282

TSUTSUMI, DAIJIRO - daijiro first - RL-3011

KAI BAND - anna - ETP-10635

YAZAWA, EIKICHI - ten years ago - K-12520

YAZAWA, EIKICHI - the border the best selection - K-12510

CUGAT, XAVIER - spotlight on xavier cugat - FDX-9251-9252

SONORA MATANCERA - ahi viene sonora matancera - SCO-3006

BERRY, CHUCK - spotlight on chuck berry - FDX-9241-9242

PRESLEY, ELVIS - elvis in concert - RCA-9139-40

PRESLEY, ELVIS - in person at the international hotel las vegas nevada - SX-203

PRESLEY, ELVIS - on stage february, 1970 - SX-202

PRESLEY, ELVIS - our memories of elvis presley - RVP-6381

PRESLEY, ELVIS - our memories of elvis vol.2 - RVP-6414

PRESLEY, ELVIS - selections from the original motion picture this is elvis - RPL-3008-09

PRESLEY, ELVIS - that's the way it is - SX-201

WILLIAMS, ANDY - itsudemo dokodemo - AJ-5

NOVOTNA, JARMILA - jarmila novotna - GEMM261/2

INOUE, TAKAYUKI, BAND - akuma no you na aitsu / terauchi kantaro ikka - MR7008

JONES, QUINCY - roots - GP-2033

KOSTAL, IRWIN - the sound of music - SHP-5437

ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK RECORDING - screen music best 100 series / western - FMX12

SIMON AND GARFUNKEL - the graduate - SOPM104

SOUNDTRACK - my fair lady - SONX60036

SOUNDTRACK - urban cowboy - DP-90002

TRANZAM - oretachi no tabi - B-45

V/A - screen music best 100 series / action - FMX9

WILLIAMS, JOHN - close encounters of the third kind - IES-81010

YAMANAKA, JOE - proof of the man - K-4A

ABBA - all about abba - DSP-5108

ABBA - all about abba / mamma mia - DSP-4002

ABBA - on and on and on - DSP-208

ARABESQUE - parties in a penthouse - VIPX-1509

EASTON, SHEENA - telefone - EMS-17400

HEDVA AND DAVID - ani holem al naomi (japanese version) - SS-1987

HUMPERDINCK, ENGELBERT - after the lovin' - EFS-80759

HUMPERDINCK, ENGELBERT - best of engelbert humperdinck - EFS-60002

HUMPERDINCK, ENGELBERT - gold superdisc - GXM9011

HUMPERDINCK, ENGELBERT - greatest hits - GP1033

HUMPERDINCK, ENGELBERT - live in japan - GSW509/10

HUMPERDINCK, ENGELBERT - superdisc - GXF9031/2

HUMPERDINCK, ENGELBERT - the last waltz - SKL4901

JONES, TOM - gold superdisc - GXM9010

JONES, TOM - golden double 32 - EFS-65003.4

JONES, TOM - live / caesars palace - EFS-67112.13

JONES, TOM - say you'll stay until tomorrow - EFS-80798

JONES, TOM - sings she' s a lady - EFS-40111

JONES, TOM - the very best of tom jones - LAX5005

JONES, TOM - the very best of tom jones - LAX5005

JONES, TOM - tom jones superdisc - GXF9029/30

JONES, TOM - what a night - EFS-81018

MINNELLI, LIZA - tropical nights - 25AP773

NEWTON-JOHN, OLIVIA - come on over - EMS-80490

NEWTON-JOHN, OLIVIA - follow me - EMR-10793

NEWTON-JOHN, OLIVIA - olivia's greatest hits vol.2 - EMS-91045

RICHARD, CLIFF - brand new songs - EOP-80860

RICHARD, CLIFF - two a penny - OP-8534

YOUNG, JOHN PAUL - love is in the air - C25Y0004

GERARD - gerard - K28P424

HIRAYAMA, TERUTSUGU - castle of noi - K28P421

HIRAYAMA, TERUTSUGU - teru's symphonia - K28P570

NOVELA - alfa city - K12P526

NOVELA - brain of balance - K28P-527

NOVELA - exciting mini : unreleased takes and limited edition - K20P491

NOVELA - land of time - K20P592

NOVELA - novela - GP800

NOVELA - paradise lost - K28P-218

NOVELA - requiem - K18P-150

NOVELA - sanctuary - K28P332

NOVELA - the words - K28P647

ANARCHY - '80 ishin - VIH-28017

FRANKLIN, ARETHA - jump to it - AL9602

WOODS, STEVIE - take me to your heaven - SD5229

LUCIANO - great controversy - JSLP1011

THIRD WORLD - try jah love - 07SP599

AMERICA - hearts - P-8562W

BUFFETT, JIMMY - havana daydreamin' - ABCD-914

CHICAGO - chicago - 25AP616-7

CLAPTON, ERIC - backless - MWF1056

CLAPTON, ERIC - e.c. was here - MW2141

CLAPTON, ERIC - slowhand - MWF1038

CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVIVAL - willy and the poorboys - LP-8880

DIAMOND, NEIL - september morn - 25AP1762

DIAMOND, NEIL - you don't bring me flowers - 25AP1189

DOOBIE BROTHERS, THE - best of the doobies - P-6540W

DOOBIE BROTHERS, THE - takin' it to the streets - BS2899

EAGLES - eagles - P-10046Y

EAGLES - on the border - P-10342Y

JOEL, BILLY - streetlife serenade - 25AP1078

LARSON, NICOLETTE - radioland - BSK3502

MATTHEWS, IAN - stealin' home - VIP-6627

MESSENGERS - that's the way a woman is - JET-2082

MONEY, EDDIE - life for the taking - 25AP1335

MONEY, EDDIE - no control - FC37960

MONEY, EDDIE - playing for keeps - FC36514

PABLO CRUISE - reflector - SP-3726

REA, CHRIS - whatever happened to benny santini - UA-LA879-H

SANTANA - gold disc - SOPN16

STEWART, ROD - a night on the town - P-10188W

STEWART, ROD - absolutely live - 923743-1G

STEWART, ROD - faces live - P-8418W

SUPERTRAMP - breakfast in america - AMP-1039

TYLER, BONNIE - diamond cut - RVP-6352

TYLER, BONNIE - it's a heartache - RVP-6297

WOOD, RONNIE - now look - P-10027W

AOE, MINA - sato chiyoko no sekai - SJX-20010

KAGURAZAKA, HANKO - geisha waltz - NZ-7041

KUROKI, KEN - kiri ni musebu yoru - TP-1595

MINAMI, YUJI, AND FULLSAILS - onna uranai - SN-966

NAGAI, FRANK - collection '75 - SJV-734-5

NOMURA, MASAKI - shinjite hoshii - JRT-1118

PEANUTS, THE - jonetsu no sabaku - DHJ1(NAS1485)

SHIMA, KAZUHIKO - onna to otoko no blues - SAS-644

TSURUOKA, MASAYOSHI - requinto guitar sings tokyo romantica song book - X-5010

COLE, NATALIE - natalie - ECS-80499

EARTH, WIND AND FIRE - the best of earth, wind & fire vol.1 - 25AP1190

JACKSON, JERMAINE - my name is jermaine - VIP-6369

JACKSONS, THE - the jacksons - 25AP312

OKUBO, SABURO - jitsuyo record series 1 taiso - GA-1

INOUE, YOSUI - danzetsu - MR5013

INOUE, YOSUI - ii / sentimental - MR5021

INOUE, YOSUI - live modorimichi - MR5032

ITSUWA, MAYUMI - my songs - 25AH544

MATSUTOYA, YUMI - hoshi no rouge-rian - ETP-17031

MINAMI, YOSHITAKA - speak low - 25AH733

OHTAKI, EIICHI - a long vacation - 27AH1234

BROZMAN, BOB - blue hula stomp - K.M.173

HERMAN, WOODY - at carnegie hall, 1946 - MM2089

HERMAN, WOODY - jumpin' with woody herman's first herd - CUL-1021-E

HERMAN, WOODY - the 40th anniversary, carnegie hall concert - RCA-9129-30

TED HEATH AND HIS MUSIC - big band - GP4004

PLASTICS - welcome plastics - VIH-6065

YELLOW MAGIC ORCHESTRA - xoo multiplies - ALR-28004

MIZUKI, ICHIRO - kamen rider stronger no uta - SCS-250

CONCERT BEAU ORCHESTRA - folk songs of the world / england - SOLH20
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